Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 1, 2019

UVa 11225 - Tarot scores (another card game)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int needed[] = {56, 51, 41, 36};
int numOulders, T, numCards;
double points;
string currentLine, seperator("");
cin >> T;
for (int t = 1; t <= T; ++t)
numOulders = points = 0;
cin >> numCards;
for (int i = 0; i < numCards; ++i)
getline(cin, currentLine);
if (currentLine == "twenty-one of trumps" || currentLine == "fool" || currentLine == "one of trumps")
points += 4.5;
else if (currentLine.find("king") != string::npos)
points += 4.5;
else if (currentLine.find("queen") != string::npos)
points += 3.5;
else if (currentLine.find("knight") != string::npos)
points += 2.5;
else if (currentLine.find("jack") != string::npos)
points += 1.5;
points += 0.5;
cout << seperator << "Hand #" << t << '\n';
seperator = "\n";
if (points < needed[numOulders])
cout << "Game lost by " << needed[numOulders] - points << " point(s).\n";
cout << "Game won by " << points - needed[numOulders] << " point(s).\n";

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